Humans in the World featuring Janice Liverseidge

Welcome to the second in our Humans in the World series! In this series, we will focus on someone who has inspired, delighted or taught us on our travels.

Probably our favourite part of travel is - people. Fellow travellers and professional peers; incredible locals; our tour leaders, national tour guides and agents.

Our second Human in the World is Janice Liverseidge, one of our most popular and experienced tour leaders and a Blue Badge guide.

Janice is leading no fewer than FIVE of our forthcoming tours - our History of Medicine Cruise Along the Nile with speaker Rosalie David in February 2025; Medicine and Society in North India in March 2025; two Secret London tours in summer 2025; and Medicine and Society in Japan in May 2025.

Janice inspires us with her expert knowledge and tour leading ability, her super organisational skills combined with a warm, friendly personality, her sense of humour and the Unofficial Janice Fan Club she has gathered, whose numerous members are drawn from our clients and the JBT team.

Meet Janice below!

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