Brendan J. Moriarty is an ophthalmologist with international experience. He qualified in medicine from Cambridge University and trained at Bristol Eye Hospital, Moorfields Eye Hospital, and other ophthalmic units in the UK.He is a member of the UK, European, and American Societies of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. NICE, The National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence, have recognised Brendan’s expertise in surgery for macular degeneration by appointing him Special Advisor.
He has extensive experience in eye care in the developing world and was Medical Director to Project ORBIS, the internationally renowned 'flying eye hospital'. He spent two years as Fellow to the Medical Research Council, devising laser treatment to prevent blindness from sickle cell disease. During his time in Jamaica, he established free cataract facilities and introduced the rubella prevention programme to tackle childhood blindness. He was recognised for this work by the International Man of Achievement award in 1989.
In his spare time, Brendan enjoys tennis, golf, fell walking, playing rhythm and blues on the guitar and harmonica, and spending time at home in Cheshire with his family.